MTGA Evolution of the Cycle Archetype
A Brief History of Cycle and how its impacted Standard. The focus of this piece is to help inform you of the three major changes to the current standard cycling archetype, and how it has evolved over the past 6+ months. We will talk about the key objectives/strategy of the deck, look at three key…
MTGA | Friday Night Meta | March 2021 Week 1
Hey Planeswalkers! Welcome to this week’s Friday Night Meta update! The goal is to equip you faster with information in a fast evolving game, and to get you the right information to help you make the decisions you need to make! This is intended to be a comprehensive view with a lens from Magic the…
MTGA | Friday Night Meta | Feb 2021 Week 4
Hey Planeswalkers! As promised I am rolling out a new weekly piece all about a comprehensive take on Magic the Gathering Meta. The goal is to equip you faster with information in a fast evolving game, and to get you the right information to help you make the decisions you need to make! This is…