MTGA Standard BO1 January 2021 Tier List | 100+ Decks!
Hello Planeswalkers and welcome to almost Kaldheim time! We certainly have come A LONG WAY! As I mentioned last month I would do one more Zendikar’s Rising Tier List – and this one is certainly something else. I have been able to stick to a daily top deck plan and provided a list of 100+…
MTGA Standard BO1 December 2020 Tier List
Hello Planeswalkers Happy New Years Eve 🙂 First off – Have a safe, Happy, and Healthy New Years. I will see you next year. Second, good luck today to those chasing a Mythic Qualifier spot, may one of the decks below help you in your journey. Of all my tier list posts this certainly has…
MTGA Standard BO3 December 2020 Tier List
Hello Planeswalkers and almost Happy New Year! I must say this has been a pretty interesting set (competitive, non & health wise), and for the most part as expected things really stuck in place last month. We have seen a few decks pop in like whack a mole over the course of the Zendikar Season,…
MTGA Standard BO1 November 2020 Tier List
Hello (Good Morning, Afternoon, & Evening) Planeswalkers! Happy Thanksgiving Day’s Eve from the US. Additionally, I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and joyous time despite these upending unprecedented times we all are sharing in together. I do want to say as Thanksgiving is generally a time for us to be thankful for what we have,…
MTGA Standard BO3 November 2020 Tier List
Hello Spikes! It certainly has been an interesting meta with some hiccups out of the gate in the great rotation plus the release of Zendikar’s Rising, however we are most certainly in one of the smoothest periods I certainly recall since the Return to Ravnica days. Things continue to be extremely healthy, and I will…
MTGA Standard BO1 October 2020 Expanded List
Coming off of yesterday’s October BO3 expanded tier list I put together a tier list for BO1 to help with anyone tackling the competitive MTGA Landscape, those who like a visual or just to discuss! As a player I know it can be a tough choice to figure out which deck you would like to…
MTGA Standard BO3 October 2020 Expanded List
Almost two weeks ago now I pulled together a BO1 & BO3 shortlist pre Omnath on this website. I am doing a follow-up for October in my second part of the series with an expanded BO1 & BO3. Also, I normally do BO1 first, and decided to switch it up with my more in…
MTGA Standard BO3 October 2020 Short Tier List
Hi Planeswalkers! I recently put together a tier list here on this website for BO1 to help with anyone tackling the competitive MTGA Landscape, those who like a visual or just to discuss! Along with providing a BO1 tier list take I wanted to provide a BO3 one as well. Especially since we all know…
MTGA Standard BO1 October 2020 Short Tier List
Hi Planeswalkers! I put together a tier list for BO1 to help with anyone tackling the competitive MTGA Landscape, those who like a visual or just to discuss! As a player I know it can be a tough choice to figure out which deck you would like to play, additionally knowing the importance of playing…