Summoners War a Week in Review (2/27/17 to 3/5/17)

Summoners War a Week in Review (2/27/17 to 3/5/17)

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This week I made some very big progression strides, and did some in-depth analysis regarding summon rates, and magic shop refreshes.  I definitely got great value out of my time last week.  Even more so I was happy my strategy going into Necropolis B10 was correct!  Unfortunately it was a week later then I was hoping, but better late than never as they always say.


Detailed analysis is our guide for the week.  Mainly it was detailed analysis that enabled a few things in my Summoners War game play this week.  The first of those was the analysis I did a while back on Necropolis and how I could beat Necropolis B10.  My approach definitely paid off.  The second part of this week’s theme is furthering the understanding of summon rates and magic shop refreshes.

Necropolis B10

Accomplishing Necropolis B10 was a long sought after goal for me in my game progression.  Over the weekend I was able to complete it because of a few things.  The first piece that allowed me to beat Necropolis B10 for the first time was my initial time investment.  I recognized a few things I needed to change up with my team to accomplish the goal.  Those pieces were getting the correct multi hitting monsters to take down the necropolis.  The second part of that investment as well piece to the NB10 puzzle was rebuilding Hwa with violent focus runes instead.  I needed to get her off swift focus because I needed the extra hits in for necropolis.

I believe last week I mentioned that I needed to adjust Hwa as my final tweak to get the job done.  It seems I was correct in that analysis which is always great.  The thing that allowed me to do this was careful planning for the Free Rune Removal day that was also over the weekend.  I split my time throughout the week running Dragons B10 in hopes of some better runes in which I had in violent to enable Hwa to take down Necro B10.  Ultimately completing Necropolis B10 came to fruition with some detailed analysis on my own monsters, and tweaks to the team.  Now only to improve the success rates and times for the runs.

Summoners War Summon Rates

One thing I wanted to take a deeper look into was Summoner Wars Summon Rates.  The video is a very detailed explanation of the analysis.  The data is provided by

Summoners War Magic Shop Refreshes

Another item that had been on the top of my list for a while was to analyze the magic shop refresh theory.  The prevailing idea is that spending crystals on Magic Shop Refreshes is better than spending them on things like the Premium Packs.


I initially wanted to take a look back when I produced my analysis on Giants B10 drops rates. So, it was my pleasure to finally have the time to do the analysis last week.  The data was taken from  My conclusion is really two fold.  The Magic Shop Refresh strategy should mainly be used if you have a ton of mana, and that will typically occur when you are a late game player.  One item I did not mention though in the video is the cost of your time to do this.  It might not be worth it even at late game to continuously refresh the shop.  The second is that I feel overall spending the crystals on premium packs is the better way to go for most players, and from a collective value feel.  What purchasing premium packs does lack is obviously the variety of items that come with the Magic Shop.

Rune Update

Giant B10 Run Count: 170

Dragon B10 Run Count: 552

The_Stand Guild Wars

We accidently took a week off.  Needed to rework the guild.  Always looking for new members!

Rating: N/A

Rank: N/A

GamertagMythras PvP

I was able to get in over 200+ attacks again.  I decided to leave my defense weak all week.  I may stick to this strategy again for a while just to try to maximize glory points.

Rating: 1120

Rank: 118311

Notable Mentions

Water Martial Artist Secret Dungeon


Accomplishing Necropolis B10 was a great feat for me last week, and has really helped me move towards that late game feel.  On top of my personal Summoners War progress I was able to contribute some additional detailed analysis insights to the community around Summon Rates and the Magic Shop Refresh rates.  Until next week summoners keep on summoning!

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Run Times:

GB10: 2:03

DB10: 3:22

NB10: 2:41

TOAN: 100 Completed

TOAH: 75+